Visceral fat is more dangerous than you think.

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Visceral Fat is fat that is stored in the deep abdominal cavity, surrounding important organs such as the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas or blood vessels. It is not visible when viewed from the outside. It is the point where the body stores fat for use when needed and is more difficult to use than other parts. If excessive abdominal fat is allowed to accumulate. It will have a very negative effect on the body and cause various serious diseases.

High levels of visceral fat can affect the function of affected organs and, over the long term, increase the risk of the following chronic and serious diseases:

  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Hypertension or high blood pressure
  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Some cancers, such as breast cancer and colon cancer
  • Stroke

As mentioned above, visceral fat may not affect body size. So many people don’t notice the health hazards that are quietly brewing.

The right amount of subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area or other parts of the body will help keep the body warm, protect against shock, ufabet, and is usually not dangerous. However, the opposite is true for abdominal fat. If it accumulates in large amounts, it will have negative effects on the body in many ways and increase the risk of serious chronic diseases.

Visceral fat can be caused by many things. The main causes are the regular consumption of foods high in fat. And sugar, such as fried foods, sweets, processed foods. White bread, soft drinks, or eating more food than the body needs. People who do not exercise regularly or people who have problems with their metabolism due to various causes, causing the body to be unable to burn off all excess fat. Therefore, it accumulates in various parts of the body, including the abdominal area around various organs.

There are many ways to take care of yourself to reduce and prevent abdominal fat, such as reducing sweets and foods high in fat, avoiding alcoholic beverages, eating a healthy diet with all 5 food groups, exercising regularly, reducing stress, and taking dietary supplements that help stimulate fat burning.